Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Taking a life

I haven't touched on the death penalty in quite some time. There is something I want to get out into the open before anything else. Many people who are secular minded oppose capital punishment for various reasons. That, however, doesn't mean we are doormats or easily intimidated. I'll just say it: I'm opposed to a government having the power to kill it's own citizens. That being said there are a few occasions where I see no problem with justifiable homicide. One very clear line in the sand on my beach is entering my home uninvited. Assuming they get past my two mastiffs, one of which is 225 pounds, and assuming they don't get the drop on me there are a couple of possible outcomes for the intruder. Both of these would likely be the last thing they see.


(For the curious: Colt AR-15, .45 AMT Longslide) Now for a word or two about gun ownership:
I grew up around firearms and know how to use them. If you even think you'll shoot at a shadow in a self defense situation, then just don't even get one. Not until you take proper training courses or have an experienced marksman show you how to shoot...and when not to. The last thing you want to do is panic and shoot at a shadow only to find out it was your teenage child sneaking back into the house or the simple minded fellow from down the street who mistook your house for his own. I keep a handgun where I can access it in a hurry. The clip for it is nearby and also accessible in a hurry. I can have it loaded with a round chambered in under 8 seconds. Both are hidden and if the nephews are over it goes in the gun safe until they are gone. No guarantees I'll survive a home invasion or the like, but I'll take whatever reasonable odds I can get. Also, for fucks sake, never leave a loaded gun laying around in a night stand or anywhere else. Its true that you can effectively render the chance of an accidental discharge to near zero. However if someone chances onto your handgun while snooping the last thing you want is for them to turn your own loaded gun on you. Everyone has their own views on that kind of thing though, I prefer being as safe as I can. Now, if you aren't sure that you could pull that trigger and drop someone then simply don't use it. Again, things aren't going your way if you hesitate and some asshat takes your own gun from you because you hesitated to pull the trigger. No knee capping, either. Unload the whole clip into the son of a bitch(it's not like in the movies where one shot sends them bouncing all over from wall to wall and then dying instantly). As far as I am concerned the second someone breaks into another's home they forfeit their life on the spot. Thing is I will not shoot someone who is running away, nor will I after it is clear the danger has been abated. There is a time for lethal force and it must never be treated lightly. So if I have no problem with going Scarface on intruders and afterwards having a sandwich while I wait for the authorities to arrive, why am I so opposed to the death penalty?

This is where all of the yay-hoos who get hard at the thought of mixing projectile weaponry and Pabst Blue Ribbon lose their hardons for me.

1) I have no problem with lethal force being used to defend oneself or others when being subjected to a violent crime. Use of excessive force and torture are wrong, but if the safest and fasted way is to waste the criminal then so be it.

2) Like I said earlier I have an ethical issue with a government being able to kill it's own citizens. I just do. Police action and such are obviously not what I am talking about here. I am talking about executions.

3) The reason I frown on executing people is the same reason I frown on shooting someone in the back when they are running away. Taking a life is serious. The ripple effects on the lives of those involved are nothing to balk at. If the danger is no longer present then killing someone is murder.

4) Killing after the fact is murder. Vengeance is murder. If we are going to live in a society of laws where life is respected then that needs to stop.

5) There is no practical reason for the death penalty. Our justice system by it's very nature is not set up for it(which is a good thing). It doesn't clear jail cells nor does it save tax dollars. Neither of those are good enough reasons to kill someone, anyway, if you ask me. If we want to clear jail cells then there are mountains of ludicrous politically motivated and counterproductive laws which actually create criminals which could be abolished.

6) One innocent person executed is too many. We've gone way beyond that and what is even more terrifying is that there are quite a few politicians who have no issues with this...nor do their supporters "It takes balls to kill and innocent man!". Unfortunately it takes no brains to vote, either.

7) The numbers indicate that the death penalty is no deterrent to crime. We need to join the rest of the first world and put and end to it.

Before anyone chimes in with a story about how I'd "change my mind if..." then adds some story about broken glass, a weed whacker, and an infant you need to know a couple of things. My family has had it's share of crimes committed against us, a couple of them would have easily justified killing the perps at the time of the crimes had that been possible. So save it. No matter how I feel emotionally my ethical code still states that killing after the fact is wrong. The whole point is to keep emotions in check when considering things like law and order, not give in to them and behave like methed-out soccer moms who watch FOX news 24 hours a day. If eye for an eye is what you require to feel better then about the only thing I can recommend to you is to move to some war torn African nation or somewhere in the theocratic middle east. Then you really WILL know the meaning of "Just because you haven't done anything wrong doesn't mean you have nothing to worry about."

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