Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Finally, my pink shirt

Finally, well, sort of. In the X-Files in the episode where Mulder and Scully check out that nutty homeowners association, Duchovny wears this pink Lacoste shirt which I fell in love with. This was like 7 years ago that I saw this. So anyway, rather than jump online and get exactly what I wanted, which turned out to be a Lacoste Flamingo Pink, I just pined away for it. Well, today I went to the local mall with my nephew. He's 16 and actually has quite an eye for fashion and things like that. We walked into American Outfitters and right by some shirts when I said "Oy! That's my shirt! Well, kind of!". Close enough. The Lacoste shirt is a hair lighter in color. So much so that they need to be next to each other to see the difference...and no alligator. It'll do for now. One day though....
The pic is a tad on the gamma side but fuck it, it's almost 3am.

You can probably see it, I'm still leaning to the left a bit from that whole broken right foot thing over the summer. It'll pass.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Those radical girlscouts II

Who kicks girl scouts out of church? St. Timothy Catholic Church in Chatilly VA, that's who. This is ripe, man, and you know I am going to whip things up into a tempest. Here is the meat of it:

"Several Girl Scout troops in Chantilly, Va., have been banned from meeting at a local Catholic church and a neighboring school.
St. Timothy Catholic Church said that scouts won’t be allowed to meet or wear their uniforms on church property. The edict also applies to the adjacent St. Timothy School, which enrolls students from preschool to eighth grade.
According to the Arlington Diocese, the pastor did not believe the National Girl Scouts membership to the World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts aligned with the message of the church, stemming from a perceived connection between WAGGGS and Planned Parenthood.
The Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital said its parent/national organization is not  WAGGGS, but instead Girl Scouts of the USA, which does not have a relationship with Planned Parenthood."
Looking into this a bit it was more than a simple perceived connection to planned parenthood which made this pastor back step further into the dark ages. You see, in recent years the girls scouts have made a concerted effort to welcome both gay and transgendered individuals into their ranks.

 A spokesman for the diocese released a statement that says in part:

“Every pastor in the diocese has the responsibility to determine how best to use their parish facilities, consider the requests of outside groups, and reconcile such requests with the needs and mission of their parish community.”

Whether or not this parent organization has ties with planned parenthood is irrelevant if you ask me. The mere perception that they are, that is in fact hearsay, doing things like providing age appropriate sex education is enough for this goat to unilaterally kick these girls out of the church. A place which, by the way, several troops of these girls have held meetings at for some time. Way to go jackass. It's certainly your prerogative to do this but I don't want to hear one word about your mission telling people of your church's message of love. You've just permanently revoked your standing to complain about how young people are now disregarding your religion in favor of more secular oriented values in unprecedented numbers. With one maneuver you have displayed what you and your belief system are all about and no amount of back peddling or vapid excuses for exclusion like "loving the sinner, not the sin" will make a bit of difference. For a lot of these young ladies girl scouts is a very positive and influential part of their lives. This is directly in the prime of their formative years and you just gave them a clear and horridly unambiguous message that "those people" aren't welcome in your house of love and god.

Listen, jerk, and that is not an ad hominem attack on you, it's directly applicable and the reason this ire is being directed at you. Social progress is being made at an increasing pace. Your captive audiences of children are now privy to alternative and more ethical sets of values like they never have been before. The vast majority of these girls are good little people and want nothing to do with the bile and hatred you spew forth when doing things like this. They are perfectly capable of seeing how this kind of exclusion is wrong and you better believe that they are going to notice. You are a vile human being and people like you are the exact reason why your religion is wilting like a parched weed baking in the summer heat. Your lot has no standing to lament on this, you did this squarely to yourselves. What is that saying you lot are fond of saying to the unrepentant...ah, I believe its goes like this: You reap what you sow. Have fun harvesting your blow back in the form of ever dwindling attendance and bankrupted churches. Those of us who genuinely love these girls and want nothing but the best for them will take care of everything. Just don't you worry and go back chanting incantations to the ones you deem worthy. We'll be fine, we never needed you anyway. Your kind hold all of us back.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Those radical girlscouts

 Sometimes I come across real gems and this is no exception. On par with being a politician these days Republican Indiana State Rep displays compartmentalized  lunacy when he states that Girls Scouts are a radical organization which promotes homosexual lifestyles. Oh, the horror. Lets take this apart just a bit. He and others which share his backwards view aren't all about protecting girls from things they deem harmful. Rather it is the idea of subjugation and control which stems from a more 'traditionalist' mindset of misogyny. It's quite telling that anytime these conservative white old men address anything which has an impact on women that their oppressive views of women, and it some cases down right hatred, are poorly obfuscated in absurd babble. A recent and explosive display of this is occurring with this whole birth control issue. Hiding behind abstrusely contorted interpretations of the first amendment to claim 'religious freedom' being reason enough to deny swaths of women coverage for birth control is a blatantly transparent veneer for what is actually being said: Females, especially young ones, shouldn't fuck without being punished.There are so many things wrong with that kind of view which I may delve into in a later post but for now back to this wingnut.

“Nonetheless, abundant evidence proves that the agenda of Planned Parenthood includes sexualizing young girls through the Girl Scouts, which is quickly becoming a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood,” Morris wrote.

This is crazy deceptive. You see in minds like this guy's even making girls aware of birth control is 'sexualizing' them. In their world its tantamount to telling a room full of preteens "Hey! We can screw all we want with no worries of pregnancy! Lets seduce all the boys!" complete with open windows, knocked over desks, and other clutter which results from everyone leaving the room in a cartoonishly fast manner. This comes as no surprise though. It seems that the conservative stance on sex education, especially towards girls, is to deny knowledge and tell them Jesus died for them and cries every time something enters their hoo-ha. Even overlooking the concept that men essentially own their daughters' cherries, something which also makes me ill, the damage of this mindset of information derailment is obvious to anyone who actually thinks on it and has the relevant data. Children need to be educated in sex and sexuality before they start having sex and not after Jack and Jill find out that the pullout method is woefully inadequate. This falls on willfully deaf ears though because these people want STDs and pregnancy to be lurking around every corner terrifying girls and ready to pounce on them for daring to express themselves sexually. Even showing these people that STD and pregnancy rates per capita are higher in groups of children who are inadequately taught about sex doesn't sway them. Its all 'liberal propaganda' and 'not my child!'.

He continues that the Girl Scouts also let in boys “who decide to claim a ‘transgender’ or cross-dressing life-style” and, in general, promote being gay. “Many parents are abandoning the Girl Scouts because they promote homosexual lifestyles,” Morris said. “In fact, the Girl Scouts education seminar girls are directed to study the example of role models. Of the fifty role models listed, only three have a briefly-mentioned religious background - all the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists.”

Communists? Where in the blue hell did that come from? Is this guy stuck in some neomacarthyist conspiracy bubble? Hey buddy, the USSR fell in 1989 and the 'red scare' or what was left of it promptly flew out the window with it. I 'king remember it happening. So only three of the role models have a briefly mentioned religious background. Cry me a river, or better yet use that glob of grey matter stuck between your ears. Here's idea for you: women who have fought and still fight for the rights of women tend to reject the whole monotheist patriarchy you so staunchly favor. It's not our fault your religion doesn't produce good role models for girls, and don't be fooled, when his lot states 'religious' they really mean 'devout Christian'.

If what the Girl Scouts represent is 'radical' then we need more of it in spades. He claims he did some web browsing to find his 'evidence' but I suspect it was limited to the likes of Christian Answers dot net and Fox News rather than finding actual impartial facts and such. People like him don't want young girls growing up thinking its OK to voice their opinion or call someone out for making a sexist joke. In their minds if women exercise control over their reproductive and sex lives the sky will fall. I want the sky to fall...directly onto them. I'm quite fond of the opposite gender to mine and have no problem taking some jerk who won't listen to anyone without a swinging dick and making him listen by dressing him down in front of everyone. Actually, I quite like doing that, :o)

I think I'm going to post here more often...

As was my honest intention when I signed up for this thing. Stuff happened, everyday stuff, such as breaking my foot and it got lost in the shuffle. I do write a bit and most of what I write is on a different site. However things are getting wonky over there and I decided to download all I had written there. Seems it was an inspired move as for the last 24 hours I can't even connect to the domain. We'll see. It may just be a server change up or something else maintenance oriented, actually it probably is. However when I signed up for this blog my intention was to post what I wrote at both...well, what is applicable anyway. The other place is more of an anonymous closed community for the most part. This is NOT. So some of my skeletons probably won't be aired. My internet stalking skills while considerable enough to get the job done are peanuts compared to particularly motivated individuals with lots of resources. I'm not afraid to post what I think or be critical of ideas I find off putting. My critical stance on Christianity as well as religion in general can be a particular lightning rod.

That isn't what bothers me though. I have a seriously thick hide which has been developed over a decade or so of questioning what many hold sacred. As a result I have come to expect the vituperation consistent with that territory. My proverbial middle finger has not been neglected in those cases where someone demands I shut up or imply harm may come my way for pointing out that teaching children their salvation lies in a vicarious human sacrifice is in my mind a reprehensible thing to do. Lets face it, we all have aspects of ourselves that stay private or kept very close. Emotions, actions, and desires can all fall into that category and lets face it, that information is not only unnecessary for anyone to actually know but is very volatile and a perfect weapon. I tend not to say or write anything which I wouldn't say or write to anyone directly(if applicable)  but I have learned the hard way that truth rarely matters. It's perception that wins or loses the day.

Anyway, as I feel like it I will add things I have written in the past and they will be noted as such. Most will probably be dated and come with a little intro but the ones I dig up from wayyy back will come from my memory and may lack particular specifics. That as is said is that.