Sunday, March 4, 2012

If Rush angered you with his birthcontrol comments...

Then hit him where it hurts. He's already offered a nonpology as it were. That won't cut it, not even close. (opens in a new window/tab)
He often goes over the line with rhetoric. Fine, we have that right here in our nation. You know what? That is a good thing and worth fighting for. It goes both ways though. We can't shut him up from a legal standpoint on his opinions, nor would I want to. However his comments about women and birth control are beyond the pale and we need to send an unmistakable message that this kind of hateful misogyny will NOT fly without repercussions. It's already working, advertisers were and are pulling their ads from his slot. It needs to keep going until the message is clear. AOL needs to know how a lot more of us feel about this than they or Rush could imagine.

If you don't think that women who use birth control which has been covered by healthcare should be required to record their sex acts and offer it online free of charge so we all can jerk off to it as compensation, then sign that petition or one of the dozens just like it. Yeah, he really said that. Jokingly or not, enough is e-fucking-nough with these hyper conservative attacks on women which numbers show the vast majority of our country's citizens abhor.

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