Sunday, February 26, 2012

Those radical girlscouts II

Who kicks girl scouts out of church? St. Timothy Catholic Church in Chatilly VA, that's who. This is ripe, man, and you know I am going to whip things up into a tempest. Here is the meat of it:

"Several Girl Scout troops in Chantilly, Va., have been banned from meeting at a local Catholic church and a neighboring school.
St. Timothy Catholic Church said that scouts won’t be allowed to meet or wear their uniforms on church property. The edict also applies to the adjacent St. Timothy School, which enrolls students from preschool to eighth grade.
According to the Arlington Diocese, the pastor did not believe the National Girl Scouts membership to the World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts aligned with the message of the church, stemming from a perceived connection between WAGGGS and Planned Parenthood.
The Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital said its parent/national organization is not  WAGGGS, but instead Girl Scouts of the USA, which does not have a relationship with Planned Parenthood."
Looking into this a bit it was more than a simple perceived connection to planned parenthood which made this pastor back step further into the dark ages. You see, in recent years the girls scouts have made a concerted effort to welcome both gay and transgendered individuals into their ranks.

 A spokesman for the diocese released a statement that says in part:

“Every pastor in the diocese has the responsibility to determine how best to use their parish facilities, consider the requests of outside groups, and reconcile such requests with the needs and mission of their parish community.”

Whether or not this parent organization has ties with planned parenthood is irrelevant if you ask me. The mere perception that they are, that is in fact hearsay, doing things like providing age appropriate sex education is enough for this goat to unilaterally kick these girls out of the church. A place which, by the way, several troops of these girls have held meetings at for some time. Way to go jackass. It's certainly your prerogative to do this but I don't want to hear one word about your mission telling people of your church's message of love. You've just permanently revoked your standing to complain about how young people are now disregarding your religion in favor of more secular oriented values in unprecedented numbers. With one maneuver you have displayed what you and your belief system are all about and no amount of back peddling or vapid excuses for exclusion like "loving the sinner, not the sin" will make a bit of difference. For a lot of these young ladies girl scouts is a very positive and influential part of their lives. This is directly in the prime of their formative years and you just gave them a clear and horridly unambiguous message that "those people" aren't welcome in your house of love and god.

Listen, jerk, and that is not an ad hominem attack on you, it's directly applicable and the reason this ire is being directed at you. Social progress is being made at an increasing pace. Your captive audiences of children are now privy to alternative and more ethical sets of values like they never have been before. The vast majority of these girls are good little people and want nothing to do with the bile and hatred you spew forth when doing things like this. They are perfectly capable of seeing how this kind of exclusion is wrong and you better believe that they are going to notice. You are a vile human being and people like you are the exact reason why your religion is wilting like a parched weed baking in the summer heat. Your lot has no standing to lament on this, you did this squarely to yourselves. What is that saying you lot are fond of saying to the unrepentant...ah, I believe its goes like this: You reap what you sow. Have fun harvesting your blow back in the form of ever dwindling attendance and bankrupted churches. Those of us who genuinely love these girls and want nothing but the best for them will take care of everything. Just don't you worry and go back chanting incantations to the ones you deem worthy. We'll be fine, we never needed you anyway. Your kind hold all of us back.

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