Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I think I'm going to post here more often...

As was my honest intention when I signed up for this thing. Stuff happened, everyday stuff, such as breaking my foot and it got lost in the shuffle. I do write a bit and most of what I write is on a different site. However things are getting wonky over there and I decided to download all I had written there. Seems it was an inspired move as for the last 24 hours I can't even connect to the domain. We'll see. It may just be a server change up or something else maintenance oriented, actually it probably is. However when I signed up for this blog my intention was to post what I wrote at both...well, what is applicable anyway. The other place is more of an anonymous closed community for the most part. This is NOT. So some of my skeletons probably won't be aired. My internet stalking skills while considerable enough to get the job done are peanuts compared to particularly motivated individuals with lots of resources. I'm not afraid to post what I think or be critical of ideas I find off putting. My critical stance on Christianity as well as religion in general can be a particular lightning rod.

That isn't what bothers me though. I have a seriously thick hide which has been developed over a decade or so of questioning what many hold sacred. As a result I have come to expect the vituperation consistent with that territory. My proverbial middle finger has not been neglected in those cases where someone demands I shut up or imply harm may come my way for pointing out that teaching children their salvation lies in a vicarious human sacrifice is in my mind a reprehensible thing to do. Lets face it, we all have aspects of ourselves that stay private or kept very close. Emotions, actions, and desires can all fall into that category and lets face it, that information is not only unnecessary for anyone to actually know but is very volatile and a perfect weapon. I tend not to say or write anything which I wouldn't say or write to anyone directly(if applicable)  but I have learned the hard way that truth rarely matters. It's perception that wins or loses the day.

Anyway, as I feel like it I will add things I have written in the past and they will be noted as such. Most will probably be dated and come with a little intro but the ones I dig up from wayyy back will come from my memory and may lack particular specifics. That as is said is that.

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